Friday 4 March 2016

Mindsets That Keep You from Success

Do you ever feel like you are just existing? This happens from falling into Mindsets That Keep You from Success. So how do you change? How do you get out of the Mindsets That Keep You from Success? The best strategy is about making a complete 180 in your life. It’s about putting a stop to self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.

Mindsets That Keep You from Success

So how to do you figure it out?  What actions do you have to take to really change the Mindsets That Keep You from Success? If you don’t believe success is possible for you, you’ll make excuses and stay stuck. You have to break the cycles and change the mindsets.
Here are the things you need to change so you can create success:
  1. Comparison – In today’s world of everything you see and do can be at your fingertips, it can be easy to fall into a trap of comparing where you are today to where someone else is. The thing is you cannot compare, as we all have our own learning curves and journey to go on. So instead of comparing yourself to someone else, you need to use what they have and you want as fuel. Your journey is personal and it should be measured by the goals you’ve set and what you do to hit those goals. Use what you see from others to drive you, not make you quit.
  1. Self-Doubt – We all have experienced doubt and fear. Most us fall into the fear of failure or looking bad. This self-doubt can be one of the biggest things that can derail progress. If you listen to the negative voices inside your head, you will convince yourself that you can’t make big changes or hit your goals. The thing is you can! No matter what you do you can obtain it. If it isn’t happening as fast as you want it to, that doesn’t mean you are failing, it means you need more time to learn and grow. Take action and stop self-doubting.  

Mindsets That Keep You from Success

  1. Negative People – Have you heard the saying that the six closest people you associate with affect who you are, what you believe, and what you do? Well this is so incredibly true. Negative people bring done other people. If you listen to negativity day in and day out, it affects your mindset and attitude. To obtain success you have to learn how to cut negative people out of your life if you truly want to make progress in your life and create success.
  1. A Lack of Inspiration – You need to fill your life with consistent motivation to keep focused. With the Internet at your fingertips you have the ability to grab daily inspiration through blogs, audio books, podcasts, YouTube, and more. Daily Personal Development is extremely important. Block out time each day for inspiration and motivation.
  1. Waiting – The one thing in life that you are not guaranteed is knowing when your time on this earth will end. We truly only have today! You need to stop waiting. Today is now, and you need to start. Procrastinating will keep you from creating your success.
It is your time to grab your future in health, fitness, nutrition, business, and more! Change your Mindsets That Keep You from Success!
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Saturday 13 February 2016

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

Shake up your snacking with Roasted Red Pepper Hummus. You can use Roasted Red Pepper Hummus on sandwiches, with vegetables, or in a salad. Garlicky Roasted Red Pepper Hummus is absolutely delicious, takes but a few minutes to prepare, and requires no cooking. Be the one who shows up at the party with this healthy dip everyone is sure to love.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

Total Time: 10 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: None
Yield: 10 servings, each serving approximately 3 Tbsp.
1 (15-oz.) can Garbanzo Beans drained, rinsed
½ (12-oz.) jar roasted red peppers (not packed in oil), drained
2 fresh rosemary sprigs, leaves removed and coarsely chopped, stems discarded
4 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1. Place beans, peppers, rosemary, and garlic in in blender or food processor; cover. Blend until smooth.
2. Slowly add oil, blending constantly until blended.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

Hammer and Chisel Portions
#21dayfix  #21dayfixextreme  #shakeology  #ultimatefitnessteam  #uftcindy  #fixate  #gettingfittogether  #themasterhammer&chisel  #p90x

Wednesday 10 February 2016

P90X Series Workouts and Triathlon Training

Combining any of the P90X, P90X2, or P90X3 workouts with triathlon training can really be a game changer for many athletes. Yet many triathletes have not considered this marriage of training.
Triathletes are typically notorious for over-training, and training hard doesn’t necessarily mean they are training smart. Research has found that 90% of triathletes over-train, and typically do not do enough cross training in other areas. This cross training would have significant benefits to their sport. This is how the P90X Series Workouts and Triathlon Training came together.
Let’s take a look at how you can improve your triathlons by moving more of our training into your living room or at-home workout space.

So why the P90X Series Workout and Triathlon Training?
The biggest reason that the P90X Series Workouts and Triathlon Training blend so well together is that the P90X Series offers the best performance-based programming. This performance based programming will increase lean muscle while improving your cardiovascular systems which will increase your ability to swim, bike, and run more efficiently.

P90X Series Workouts and Triathlon Training

As I said before most triathletes are over-trained. This means you will get faster by running, riding, and swimming less and by focusing on rest, recovery, and the proper cross training. This is where the P90X Series Workouts come in. When you properly structure your year with proper periodization that includes both performance based workouts, biking, swimming, running, and proper recovery, you will get faster by spending less time swimming, biking, and running.
Creating a schedule with the P90X series workouts and typical triathlon training has to be periodized based on your upcoming events. You should begin your training program soon after your final race of the previous season. Here are a few areas that the P90X Series Workouts can be used.

Foundation Phase

P90X Series Workouts should be in the foundation phase. You will get the most benefit from it during this phase. When using the programs in this phase you will want to use the lean calendars P90X option. This will give you the lean strong muscles that you need for your sport.

Periodization Phases

Triathletes should be familiar with periodization. If you aren’t, you need to be. Periodization is where you are doing speed work, aerobic work, and threshold work in each discipline separately, and then bring them together as you move closer to your big race. The P90X Series Workouts will strengthen your body and improve its capacity in all areas.

Recovery Days

Yes, Recovery Days Must Happen. Many triathletes get back out on the bike or do a swim. It is really best to actually take a break from your normal training or exercise and do something different. This is where all the P90X Series Stretching, Yoga, Recovery, Pilates, and other programs are of greatest benefit and also bring greater mobility and efficiency gains.
Let’s Put it all together. Do a full ‘lean’ round of whichever series you choose during the off-season. During your periodized training schedule you will sprinkle in maintenance P90X Series Workouts from the program you chose in the off-season, along with your specific triathlon training. Then use stretching, yoga, Pilates, and recovery programs on all rest days, and when you are in season.
Many find it hard to write a schedule that is specific to their needs and desires since there are hundreds of personal variables to consider. This is why so many athletes hire personal coaches to help them get things really dialed in and peak at the right times throughout the season.
The P90X Series Workouts and Triathlon Training really do go hand in hand, but remember it is better to be 25% undertrained with great cross training and a great periodized schedule, than to be 1% over-trained.

P90X Series Workouts and Triathlon Training

So have fun, and take your triathlons to the next level by cross training with the P90X Series Workouts and Programs, not overtraining in your disciplines, and build a great schedule.
Put on Muscle with P90X
#P90X #triathlon #crosstraining #shakeology  #gettingfittogether  #uftcindy

Friday 29 January 2016

Fostering a Healthy Support System

Fostering a Healthy Support System is as important as the decision to improve your health. Fostering a Healthy Support System will keep you on track with your exercise and nutrition. The people in your support system will help you choose health foods and to complete your workout even after a long day at work. They won’t encourage you to hit happy hour with your friends.

Fostering a Healthy Support System

Here are a few tips to help make sure you are on the you Fostering a Healthy Support System, so you can have a better chance of achieving your fitness and nutrition goals. When you are achieving your goals, and setting new ones to keep you healthy, you are living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Seek out a support system. Friends and family should not be your only support. Sometimes friends and family may let you off easy. You want to make sure that you have others to really push you toward your goals and hold you accountable. There are thousands of people on the message boards, and social media who are experiencing a lot of the same things that you are. One of the best ways to find that support, besides amazing workouts and nutrition plans it to join the Beachbody Challenge. With the Beachbody Challenge you get fitness, nutrition, support from a FREE Coach.
  • Be sure to explain why you are seeking a healthy lifestyle to those around you and tell them that you would appreciate their support. Explaining your nutrition and fitness goal, the reasons you are working toward them, and your plan to achieve them will help the people around you understand, and get that you are really serious about wanting a healthy lifestyle. Plus, once you have explained this to the important people in your life, you may be surprised that some may want to join you.
  • Use your healthy influence for your family meal. Finding new recipes and creating healthy home-cooked meal can be fun and provide better health to your family as well. Get them involved and maybe have them pick a healthy recipe each week as well. You also can encourage picking healthy restaurants or healthy foods at restaurants.

Fostering a Healthy Support System

  • Portion control is a must and a huge part of being healthy and fit. Just switching to healthier foods is not going to help you if you are still eating huge portions. Using portion size containers can really make all the difference. Check out the Portion Fix nutrition plan to help you learn how balanced portion nutrition will help you live a healthier lifestyle. Plus, when you are learning about portion control with your support group or with family and friends you are also inadvertently helping them become healthier.
  • Celebrate Successes and Learn from missteps. This is where your support system can really motivate you. When your support system celebrates with you and encourages you to learn and grow, it helps to keep you motivated. So give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back!
Fostering a Healthy Support System is as important as your goals and congratulating yourself. Embrace your Journey and Share it with your friends, family, and group.
Club Shake Challenge Pack
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Tuesday 26 January 2016

Strength Training Will Keep You Young

Many people today are continually looking for a magical quick-fix to weight loss, maintenance of health, youthful appearance, and vitality. The truth is…
There is no quick fix! There is however a way that can help with the things people are looking for, and it can be accomplished in 30-40 minutes. The best solution has proven success and has shown to help in all areas, time and time again. The answer is strength training.
Strength Training Will Keep You Young!  Strength Training is exercise that creates a muscular contraction by using gravity or a force to oppose muscle contraction. Strength Training Will Keep You Young, and has shown to be the closest thing to the Fountain of Youth. It has many health benefits such as strengthening your bones and heart, improving your balance, helping you lose body fat, maintain skeletal muscle, and more. No other single activity has a more positive impact on your mind and body, than Strength Training which is why Strength Training Will Keep You Young.

Strength Training Will Keep You Young and provide…

  1. Increased Bone Density, Preservation of Lean Muscle, and Joint Support
People can lose up to 1% of their muscle and bone density per year after the age 30. For women this amount doubles during menopause. Decreased bone density is the leading cause of osteoporosis, yet it is preventable nine times out of ten with regular weight bearing exercise.
Muscle hypertrophy and atrophy can be prevented through regular strength training. It will preserve lean muscle mass, prevent saggy skin, and help keep joint pain to a minimum.
The best protection for the joints is to ensure their surrounding muscles are strong enough to support them. Your core (abdominal and low back muscles) supports your spine, your leg muscles (hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves) support your knee, and so on.
Improvements on bone density, muscle strength and tone, and joint support keeps injuries at a minimum or prevents them all together.
  1. Increased Metabolism
Research has found that for every pound of muscle you gain, you burn 35-50 more calories each day. Every muscle cell gained helps increase the metabolism. Therefore, you burn more calories, when active, inactive AND while sleeping.
  1. Better Posture
Stronger muscles help maintain proper posture. Improved posture allows you to move more efficiently, with more range of motion and freedom, will give you more confidence, and makes you look slimmer.
  1. Decreases the Risk of Diabetes
Adult-onset diabetes is a growing epidemic. Research has found that a few months of regular weight training can increase glucose utilization by 23%.
  1. Reduced Stress
Strength training elevates the level of endorphins which has been shown to combat stress. Strength training has also been recommended as one of the greatest antidepressant, improved sleep aid, and overall factor in quality of life improvement because it combats stress.

Strength Training Will Keep You Young

No Matter How Old You Are Strength Training Will Keep You Young and Feeling Good. Remember this doesn’t mean bodybuilding and bulking up big muscles. The implementation of a regular weight/strength training routine that targets specific muscle groups can give you exactly what you need. This can also be done right at home with Beachbody’s New Master’s Hammer and Chisel Program, or other programs like P90X3, Body Beast, 21 Day Fix, or 21 Day Fix Extreme. Regardless of your gender, age, or current abilities, all of these programs can be modified to fit your training abilities and provide you the muscle your body needs and craves to have.  
Strength training will make you will feel healthier, have more energy, look better, reduce the risk of injury, and decrease joint and muscle pain. Strength Training Will Keep You Young, and is the closest thing we have to the Fountain of Youth. It is never too late to get started.
Hammer and Chisel Portions
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