Thursday 5 November 2015

Foods to Improve Athletic Performance

Clean and smart supplementation can really boost performance and recovery. You can also find Foods to Improve Athletic Performance. Clean and smart food intake can also boost performance and recovery and aid in the supplements positive effects. Stock your pantry with these Foods to Improve Athletic Performance and you have additional secret weapons.

Foods to Improve Athletic Performance

Coffee: Drinking 16-24 ounces of coffee daily has shown to improve an athlete’s performance. Coffee is also a rich source of antioxidants.
Caffeine (whether you get it from coffee or tea) is an accepted component of the training and competition throughout the world.
When it comes to caffeine, research has shown that you don’t need a lot. Low doses of caffeine (up to 2 per pound of lean body mass, or up to 200 mg) shows the most improvement on athletic performance. More than this can have the opposite effect on performance. This science is why Beachbody developed Energize as a part of their Performance Nutrition Line.
Low doses of caffeine are not associated with the side effects of higher doses, such as jitters, nervousness, the inability to sleep, or gastrointestinal distress. Low doses of caffeine do not dehydrate users during exercise under normal conditions, and should be consumed 30 minutes prior to exercise for optimal performance enhancements.
Beets: Beets are a natural rich source of inorganic nitrate. Dietary nitrate is converted to nitrite, stored and circulated in the blood which is believed to enhance endurance performance by improving exercise efficiency. Recent studies have indicated that nitrates show promising effects on the cardiovascular and metabolic systems and functions.
Turmeric: The greatest healthful component of turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin is a phytonutrient that is responsible for the yellow color. The effects of curcumin have been well investigated over recent years, but its efficacy as an anti-inflammatory has been known in Asia for centuries.

Foods to Improve Athletic Performance

The Phytonutrients of curcumin possess anti-inflammatory properties. These anti-inflammatory properties include changes in cell signaling, particularly inhibition of certain pro-inflammatory pathways, which often impair performance. It has also been seen to reduce evidence of muscle damage, and be beneficial toward preventing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
Pomegranates: Besides the fact that pomegranates are delicious, they are packed with phytonutrients, such as ellagitannins. Ellagitannins have been aided in reducing inflammation, recovery of muscle damage, reduced muscle weakness and soreness, and improvements in strength performance recovery following heavy resistance training. The benefits of pomegranates are documented in a study published in the Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
Apples: Apples are rich in phytochemicals and are a good source of quercetin, a flavanol that may benefit endurance performance and counter exercise-induced inflammation. Quercetin is an ergogenic aid that has shown to increase VO2 max, increase mitochondrial production in muscle tissue, and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. So eat those apples but also look at Energize and Hydrate from the Beachbody Performance Line to capitalize on the benefits of quercetin.
We spend so much time focusing on foods for weight loss and general health, it sometimes slips our mind that food serves a third important purpose: fuel! There is no guarantee that your performance will be improved, but why not add Food to Improve Athletic Performance to your nutrition regimen, regardless of performance improvement they are simply beneficial from a nutritional standpoint.

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