Sunday 6 December 2015

Five Rules of Holiday Fitness

Don’t be that person who puts fitness goals on the back burner this holiday season. You can enjoy the holidays and crush your goals by following the Five Rules of Holiday Fitness!
Everyone always seems to have the same concerns when the holidays come around. We all want to attend as many events, dinners, and ugly-sweater parties as possible, but we don’t want our health and fitness to suffer as a result.
You would think that through the years people would have figured out how to have their cake and health and fitness, too. The reality is that some of us have, but too many of us have not. The answer should not be about desperately doing everything you can do from January to November for your health and fitness and then just see what happens in November and December. You need a new approach.
The Five Rules of Holiday Fitness could single-handedly be your turning point and finally teach you to learn to love the holidays and maintain your health and fitness levels throughout!
So, let’s take a look at the old way most people do things and the new rules that will help.

Five Rules of Holiday Fitness

OLD WAY: Try (AND FAIL) to stick to a split program through the holidays
NEW RULE #1: Do Full-Body Workouts during the holiday season.
Things come up during the holiday season all of the time.  If you are doing split workouts, you will be so scattered that you will be missing some body parts and over-working others.
A few missed workouts does not mean you should throw in the towel until next week or next month. Instead, consider following a program of full-body workouts that use resistance, cardio, and yoga or stretching will keep you moving forward even if you miss a day or two.
Since time is valued this time of year, it’s a great time to look at At-Home Workouts. Working out at home saves time and money because you won’t have to drive to the gym. At-Home Workouts doesn’t mean your workouts will be easy. If anything, they may feel harder! Many At-Home Workout Programs incorporate supersets, cardio bursts, or other compound movements to elevate your heart rate and maximize your time. Trust me: you won’t lose any ground. Honestly you will more likely gain ground and see results, and the gym may be something you do once in a while after the holidays.
OLD WAY: Allowing Events and Workouts to Compete for Your Time
NEW RULE #2: Good Morning Workout!
The holiday season typically makes everyone’s schedules more jam-packed with events after work. This can also be a time that many plan to workout. So which do you do? During the holiday season the holiday events typically win.  There’s no reason to waste time figuring this out. The decision is “Good Morning Workout”.  
Doing your workout first thing in the morning keeps you on track and never missing a beat. Plus it lowers your stress because you are not thinking about having a workout when the unexpected event comes up, because yours is already done.  If you are gym person, then load up your gym bag the night before to save time and give yourself enough time to eat, get to the gym, clean up, and off to work. This again is where At-Home Programs can ease the stress of time. It can save you 45-60 minutes of time in the morning which could be used for extra sleep.
OLD WAY: Don’t consume all the decadent treats and sweets
NEW RULE #3: Try to eat only the treats and sweets new and appealing, don’t just gobble all the old favorites. Have a small portion of your favorite seasonal treats, and skip the things you can get anytime of the year.

Five Rules of Holiday Fitness

Most people fail miserably at this one, so set yourself up with an incentive. Maybe it’s money in a jar for every time you skip something you can have anytime or have already had this season. Whatever incentive works for you, try it and do it.
Keep in mind that sugary treats can be found everywhere you look, so be mindful. Mindful means if you want the pumpkin pie or egg nog, scrap the Oreo cookies in the breakroom or a cafe mocha on the way home. You don’t want to ride the blood-sugar high all New Year’s and have to make resolutions that you would have never needed to make.
OLD WAY: Try to resist the urge even if you are starving.
NEW RULE #4: Plain and simple… Don’t let yourself get to the point you are starving!
Planning ahead becomes crucial and staying hydrated is important. Being prepared for the unexpected during the holiday season (or anytime) is important. Pack protein bars, raw almonds, apples or other fruit, or packets of total nutrition Shakeology.
Having these extra healthy snack options will help get through the day and are necessary before going to an unexpected holiday event. A healthy snack prior to your event will help you stick to the plan of not eating whatever throughout the night.
Drinking a 12-16-ounce glass of water prior to going to the event will also help you feel full when you arrive. Keep drinking water throughout the event.
OLD WAY: Training all year with hopes that people notice during the holidays
NEW RULE #5:  Invite friends and family to join you for your workouts, whether at home or the gym.
The holidays are often times when you see people you haven’t seen for a while.
It’s normal to secretly want to shock those people, and have them give you the “Wow” compliment! Or the “What have you been doing?” “You look great!” So instead of being secret and looking for your compliment, why not help inspire them to embrace the fit life. It is always better to give and inspire.
Make a workout date with a friend, family member, or coworker this holiday season. It will help hold both of you accountable for getting your workouts completed and provide a more natural platform for fitness questions and conversation, should any arise. Give the gift of health by inviting them and giving them an At-Home Fitness Challenge Pack to keep them going after the holidays.
Also remember to go for walks after big dinners and do things as a family like skiing, snowshoeing, hitting the beach, or going for a hike, depending on your climate.
Whatever you do, do it with friends and family. Inspire versus go for the compliment. Give the gift of health and fitness.
The bottom line is the holidays come once a year, but they still occur every year. So lower your stress and stay healthy and fit through the holidays by dumping the old ways and implementing these Five Rules for Holiday Fitness.
Finish the year strong!
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Wednesday 2 December 2015

Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body

Life gets crazy sometimes, and it can wear on us. If you notice that you are feeling tired and weighed down by stress, a lack of motivation for exercise, and are making poor food choices, it is time to think about giving your mind and body a reboot. This reboot doesn’t always have to come from a nutritional detox. It can come from a physical detox too.
What do we mean by physical detox? You can detox through yoga. Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body will leave you feeling cleaner on the inside and more energetic on the outside.
Try these Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body and see and feel the benefits for yourself.
Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body
  • Chair Pose

This is one of the Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body that most people can do with very little practice. Bring your feet either hip-width apart or together (depending on your comfort level). Bend your knees as if you are sitting on a chair. Make sure your knees are aligned with the center of your feet. Bring your hands together at the heart center and bring one elbow to the opposite knee, pressing your palms firmly together. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and open your chest wide.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Improves the health of the spine and vertebrae, and also stimulates the liver, spleen, and digestive system to improve the elimination process.
  • Eagle Pose
For the Eagle Pose stand with your feet together and arms by your side. Draw your left foot upward, bending the knee as you lift it. Wrap the left foot around your right leg as you rest the back of your left thigh on the right thigh. Cross your arms at the elbows, left over right. Join the palms of your hands together keeping the fingers pointed upward. Inhale and hold the posture for the duration of the inhaled breath. Be sure to hold then release, and repeat on the other side.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Besides that, it stretches the ankles and calves, thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper back, it creates deeper circulation which may help flush out the blood and lymph system.
  • Sage Twist Pose
Start by sitting on the floor with both legs straight in front of you. Bend your left leg towards your chest. Rotate your torso toward your left knee. Wrap your right arm around the left knee, positioning the knee in the crook of the right elbow. After holding the pose for 30-45 seconds, switch to the other side and repeat.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Helps stimulate digestion and remove the impurities of the body. Also stimulates the kidney and liver for more blood flow to the organs.
Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body
  • Forearm Wheel
This move is a reclined position on your back. You then slowly press up, gently placing the crown of your head on the mat. Come onto your forearms one at a time both forearms on the mat. Slowly press up into a backbend, opening through your shoulders.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Chest-opening exercises are wonderful to release stagnation and congestion in the body. This also can help activate your metabolism.
  • Eagle Headstand Pose
Begin this pose by kneeling on the floor. Lace your fingers together and set the forearms on the floor, elbows at shoulder width. Roll the upper arms slightly outward, but press the inner wrists firmly into the floor. Set the crown of your head on the floor. Inhale and lift your knees off the floor. Carefully walk your feet closer to your elbows, keep your heels elevated. Actively lift through the top of the thighs, forming an inverted “V.” Firm the shoulder blades against your back and lift them toward the tailbone so the front torso stays as long as possible. Exhale and lift your feet away from the floor. Take both feet up at the same time, even if it means bending your knees and hopping lightly off the floor. Place the right thigh over the left and either stay there in a half bind or wrap the foot around the calf in a full bind. Press the thighs into one another.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Headstands typically improve cardiovascular functioning by reducing strain on the heart. This can help people suffering from a depressed immune system and allergies. It can also increase digestive fire and body heat, which can increase the function of the endocrine glands, especially the pineal and pituitary glands.
  • Shoulder Stand Pose
Begin by lying on the floor. Draw your legs back over the head, coming into a plow pose. Bring your hands to either side of the spine and slowly bend both of your knees and press your feet up into the air. Draw the belly toward the spine. Concentrate on your feet, and lower to plow on your way down and return to your first position.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Inverted poses help drain accumulated lymph fluid from the legs and upper body. This pose helps the body be oxygenated and cleansed.
Some of the moves we mentioned are for beginners and some are advanced. We always recommend that you do some formal practice of these moves with a program so you obtain the greatest benefit while decreasing your chance for injury. Some great programs to look at are Tai Cheng and PiYo, as well as the yoga programs offered in P90X, P90X2, and P90X. These programs offer the opportunity to learn and enjoy yoga, while allowing you to obtain the benefits from physical detox.
If you want to add a nutrition detox during your physical Detox, it is recommended to do the Ultimate Reset. This program is a comprehensive nutritional detox that detoxes your body down to the cellular level.
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Sunday 29 November 2015

Improve Your 5k Run Performance

8.3 Million people in the US finished a 5k run in 2013, according to Running USA. This makes running 5k’s the most popular event in the United States.
So how do you Improve Your 5k Run Performance? For many people the answer to this question is,  “Run”.  Yes, putting in more miles is one way to help Improve Your 5k Performance, but nutrition and strength and conditioning training can create significantly greater improved performance than just running alone.

Improve Your 5k Run Performance

As with fuel for a car, there is an optimal blend of energy needed for aerobic exercise, an intense exercise event, and for a 5k. Carbohydrates and fats are the optimal energy source for high intensity aerobic exercise. Typically, an athlete should have enough fat stored to get through a 5k race without having to consume more fat. Carbohydrates should be the focus for 5k and other short distance events. Proteins are not used as an energy source during shorter distance events, however, protein is essential for growth and repair of muscle and body tissues. Protein should be an essential part of the recovery meal following your 5k. An even better way to ensure a proper balance of carbs, proteins, and fat is to use a high quality Recovery Supplement.  
Consuming carbohydrates before your race can enhance performance by maintaining adequate blood glucose (sugar) levels, the main fuel for your muscles. Furthermore, glucose is also the main source of energy for your brain, and a well-nourished brain will improve your race focus. Scientific studies have shown that a proper pre-workout supplement and meal (400-500 calories) can enhance your endurance and energy.
Hydration for a 5k race shouldn’t be neglected, and most sport drinks are full of sugar which actually dehydrates the body. Be sure to be well hydrated prior to your event. Drink water and a high quality hydration drink during the event, and stay hydrated after the event. If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

Improve Your 5k Run Performance

The other factor to Improve Your 5k Performance is strength training and conditioning. Optimally you should train 3-4 times per week and include resistance training two times per week for 30 minutes, and agility and performance training for at least 30 minutes two times per week. This should happen at least for four weeks, eight weeks out from the event. You can also get very dialed in and set up a training schedule that is set up into periods throughout the year to optimize all your events and continue to improve upon your performance.
Research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning has shown that an increase in oxygen to the muscles in those who have done this proper training versus those who did not partake in such training.
Remember, enhanced performance for a 5k does not start and end on race day. It is vital to consider properly fueling your body on a consistent basis, and properly exercising and putting in the running miles for the best results.
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Thursday 12 November 2015

Nutrition Tips for Staying on Track When You’re Dating

Many people gain weight when they start dating because they will go out to eat more often and drink more often, especially when they are first dating someone. The weight gain doesn’t have to happen if you follow a few Nutrition Tips for Staying on Track When You’re Dating. Whether you order at restaurants or prepare meals at home, it is equally as important as how much you are consuming. You don’t want to be the person that is always ordering a house salad and water as an entrée. You also don’t want to just compromise your goals and order beer-battered fish, or deep fried Twinkies and destroy the balanced nutrition plan that keeps you healthy. To help keep you on point while starting your new path to love and a relationship, use these simple Nutrition Tips for Staying on Track When You’re Dating and you will be set.

Nutrition Tips for Staying on Track When You’re Dating

  1. Ask How a Dish is Prepared: If the food is buttered, braised, creamed, or pan-fried, it most likely will not be the best choice. These meals are often packed with a high amount of sodium, saturated fat, or oxidized fat. Your best bet is to look for foods/meals that are baked, broiled, grilled, roasted, steamed, or poached.
  2. Easy on the Condiments: Keeping Condiments in check will help keep your sodium levels down, plus some condiments are very high in fats. Condiments that are filled with sodium are ketchup, pickles, relish, sauerkraut, sauces like soy, steak, teriyaki, and honey mustard. Plus, extra sodium will have you retaining unwanted water weight. Condiments that are higher in fat are mayonnaise and dressings. Herbs, spices, vinegars, or lemon juice are healthier alternatives.
  3. Plan ahead: Most restaurants post their menus online. Take a few minutes before you choose a restaurant to see what healthy dishes they offer before committing to a place. If they have healthier fare then you are good to go, or find a restaurant that has food you may be able to alter, to make it healthier. Most restaurants are pretty accommodating.
  4. Choose a Chain Restaurant: Though it may not be your favorite it can help. The Food and Drug Administration requires chain restaurants to list the calorie counts on their menus.
  5. If You Don’t Do Chains, then Choose a Local Restaurant: Independent or family-run restaurants often prefer to buy fresh, local products to help their food stand out from the competition. Menus that feature locally grown produce also give chefs the opportunity to create a wider variety of unique and healthy recipes centered around in-season ingredients. The same suggestions from above on food preparation apply.
  6. Order Appetizers as your Meal: Appetizers offer smaller portions and can be healthy when they’re veggie-, seafood-, or chicken-based. For your starter, get a salad with a balsamic dressing on the side and ask for the salad to have no croutons, bacon, or cheese, and then have the appetizer brought to you as your entrée. You can also share a bunch of small plates with your date. Either way helps keep portions manageable, plus sharing can create a bit more intimacy.

Nutrition Tips for Staying on Track When You’re Dating

  1. Side Substitutions: Dump the Onion rings, French fries, mashed potatoes, and pasta. Swapping them for steamed veggies will bring your sodium, fat and calories down. If the restaurant offers no substitutions, then ask your server to leave the unhealthy foods off of your plate, and order the vegetables separately.
  2. Skip the Beer: A typical beer has about 150 calories or more depending on the size you order. Gin or vodka, straight up or on the rocks, or red wine would be better options if you need to have an alcoholic beverage. Drink with moderation, too much alcohol can hinder muscle growth, lower testosterone, and pack on a lot of unwanted calories.
  3. Skip the Desert: Desert is a lot of unnecessary sugar, fat, and calories. If a desert is a must, then stick to a bite or two and share. Best advice is to skip it, or make it a choice between an alcoholic beverage or dessert for the night.
  4. Cook at home: Offering to cook not only puts you in control of what goes on the plate and how it’s prepared, but it tells your date that you’re willing to put forth an effort to please them. Plus, it’s the perfect way to get the person into your home.
Dating can have its ups and downs, so you don’t need to add the ups and downs of your healthy habits to get in the way. Use these few Nutrition Tips for Staying on Track When You’re Dating and you will have fun with your dates because you won’t be worrying about your nutrition.
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Sunday 8 November 2015

Tips to Make Creamy Shakes

 Most of us have tried making nutrition shakes that taste amazing and are creamy and smooth. Most often, however, we end up with shakes that are too watery, too icy, too thick, or too just not right. Let’s put an end to disappointing shakes. It is time to learn the Tips to Make Creamy Shakes.

Tips to Make Creamy Shakes

The first of the Tips to Make Creamy Shakes is to use a shake product that has no artificial ingredients. Artificial ingredients they tend to be grainier in texture than natural ingredients. Shakeology is one shake that provides a daily dose of nutrition but has no artificial ingredients so it makes a nice smooth shake, even when mixed with liquid by itself or with other ingredients.
The ingredients listed below are the key Tips to Make Creamy Shakes, plus they add more nutrition to your natural shake base.
  • Use frozen fruit or vegetables. Frozen fruits or vegetables allow you to cut down on the ice. Ice waters down flavor and can create an undesirable texture. The best source of frozen fruits and vegetables is to buy fresh fruits and vegetables and freeze them yourself.
  • Use fruits that are higher in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and adds to shake thickness. Soluble fiber also keeps you fuller longer, helps lower the risk of heart disease, helps control blood glucose levels, helps reduce high cholesterol, and helps boost the body’s immune system. Some examples of high soluble fiber foods are apples, avocados, carrots, and pumpkins.
  • Seeds and nuts. Chia is a real powerhouse seed. Chia has more antioxidant activity than blueberries and are a great source of plant-based omega-3 essential fatty acid, which plays a role in heart and artery wall health. Chia Seeds are also a complete protein with nine amino acids which can help digestion, blood sugar levels, energy levels, and more.  

Tips to Make Creamy Shakes

Nuts and seeds are a great way to make shakes creamy. To get the most benefit from your nuts and seeds you should soak them for a minimum of 10 minutes. Soaking increases your body’s ability to take in the nutrients and you don’t want to miss out on those healthy fats and additional nutrients that aid the cardiovascular system, metabolism, and help with weight management.
  • Organic Nut Butters. Nut butters will make your shakes creamy and smooth. Buy organic nut butters that do not have added ingredients. The ingredient list should include only nuts. You could also make your own nut butter. Soak the nuts and grind them up in a food processor. If you want, you can add a ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil to make them even smoother.
  • Coconut Flesh (Frozen or Fresh). Coconut flesh adds flavor, slightly sweetens, and significantly boosts the nutritional content of shakes. Coconut flesh is rich in iron, phosphorus and zinc plus it has a naturally high concentration of electrolytes and more potassium than a banana.
Not only will you have amazing smooth and creamy shakes, but you will have complete nutrition when you combine these Tips to Make Creamy Shakes with Shakeology. Enjoy!
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Thursday 5 November 2015

Foods to Improve Athletic Performance

Clean and smart supplementation can really boost performance and recovery. You can also find Foods to Improve Athletic Performance. Clean and smart food intake can also boost performance and recovery and aid in the supplements positive effects. Stock your pantry with these Foods to Improve Athletic Performance and you have additional secret weapons.

Foods to Improve Athletic Performance

Coffee: Drinking 16-24 ounces of coffee daily has shown to improve an athlete’s performance. Coffee is also a rich source of antioxidants.
Caffeine (whether you get it from coffee or tea) is an accepted component of the training and competition throughout the world.
When it comes to caffeine, research has shown that you don’t need a lot. Low doses of caffeine (up to 2 per pound of lean body mass, or up to 200 mg) shows the most improvement on athletic performance. More than this can have the opposite effect on performance. This science is why Beachbody developed Energize as a part of their Performance Nutrition Line.
Low doses of caffeine are not associated with the side effects of higher doses, such as jitters, nervousness, the inability to sleep, or gastrointestinal distress. Low doses of caffeine do not dehydrate users during exercise under normal conditions, and should be consumed 30 minutes prior to exercise for optimal performance enhancements.
Beets: Beets are a natural rich source of inorganic nitrate. Dietary nitrate is converted to nitrite, stored and circulated in the blood which is believed to enhance endurance performance by improving exercise efficiency. Recent studies have indicated that nitrates show promising effects on the cardiovascular and metabolic systems and functions.
Turmeric: The greatest healthful component of turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin is a phytonutrient that is responsible for the yellow color. The effects of curcumin have been well investigated over recent years, but its efficacy as an anti-inflammatory has been known in Asia for centuries.

Foods to Improve Athletic Performance

The Phytonutrients of curcumin possess anti-inflammatory properties. These anti-inflammatory properties include changes in cell signaling, particularly inhibition of certain pro-inflammatory pathways, which often impair performance. It has also been seen to reduce evidence of muscle damage, and be beneficial toward preventing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
Pomegranates: Besides the fact that pomegranates are delicious, they are packed with phytonutrients, such as ellagitannins. Ellagitannins have been aided in reducing inflammation, recovery of muscle damage, reduced muscle weakness and soreness, and improvements in strength performance recovery following heavy resistance training. The benefits of pomegranates are documented in a study published in the Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
Apples: Apples are rich in phytochemicals and are a good source of quercetin, a flavanol that may benefit endurance performance and counter exercise-induced inflammation. Quercetin is an ergogenic aid that has shown to increase VO2 max, increase mitochondrial production in muscle tissue, and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. So eat those apples but also look at Energize and Hydrate from the Beachbody Performance Line to capitalize on the benefits of quercetin.
We spend so much time focusing on foods for weight loss and general health, it sometimes slips our mind that food serves a third important purpose: fuel! There is no guarantee that your performance will be improved, but why not add Food to Improve Athletic Performance to your nutrition regimen, regardless of performance improvement they are simply beneficial from a nutritional standpoint.

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